Hypodermic Needles for Sale | Needle and Syringe | What needle do I need for testosterone injection | Testosterone Replacement Therapy
What syringes and needles should I buy when taking testosterone injections? Are you on HRT for low testosterone and require testosterone replacement therapy? Patients are now able to manage their own treatment at home and buy syringes online to conveniently have necessary medical needles and syringes on hand for one use only before disposal. What size syringe, what size needle should I buy? The size of the syringe and needle will depend on the thickness of the medication prescribed. Testosterone is a thick medicine and would require a thick gauge needle to easily pass through the needle tip. What sizes are common for testosterone injections? It is common for customers to request a 3mL 23g x 1 inch or 22g x 1 inch or 1 1/2 inch length needles. Needles with sizes 18g, 20g, 21g are large gauge thick needles, while the 22, 23, and sometimes the 25g are common sizes purchased for testosterone therapy injections. The length of the needle may be suggested by your doctor or this may be a matter of preference. What connection of syringe to needle is ideal for testosterone injections? A luer lock syringe to needle connection provides the most secure dependable connection available. A luer slip syringe to needle connection is simply a pressed on needle tip and might not be preferred for your testosterone injections and testosterone replacement therapy.
What are needles? The basic definition of a needle is: Needle Definition & Meaning – Merriam-Webster
1a: a small slender usually steel instrument that has an eye for thread or surgical sutures at one end and that is used for sewing
b: any of various devices for carrying thread and making stitches (as in crocheting or knitting)
c(1): a slender hollow instrument for introducing material into or removing material from the body (as by insertion under the skin)
(2): an extremely thin solid usually stainless steel instrument used in acupuncture and inserted through the skin
d: any of various slender hollow devices used to introduce matter (such as air) into or remove it from an object (such as a ball)
To be more specific, we should refer to needles used in medical applications as hypodermic needles:
A hypodermic needle is:
one of a category of medical tools which enter the skin, called sharps,[1] is a very thin, hollow tube with one sharp tip. It is commonly used with a syringe, a hand-operated device with a plunger, to inject substances into the body (e.g., saline solution, solutions containing various drugs or liquid medicines) or extract fluids from the body (e.g., blood). Large-bore hypodermic intervention is especially useful in catastrophic blood loss or treating shock.
A hypodermic needle is used for rapid delivery of liquids, or when the injected substance cannot be ingested, either because it would not be absorbed (as with insulin), or because it would harm the liver. It is also useful to deliver certain medications that cannot be delivered orally due to vomiting. There are many possible routes for an injection, with intramuscular (into a muscle) and intravenous (into a vein) being the most common. A hypodermic syringe has the ability to retain liquid and blood in it up to years after the last use and a great deal of caution should be taken to use a new syringe every time.
The hypodermic needle also serves an important role in research environments where sterile conditions are required. The hypodermic needle significantly reduces contamination during inoculation of a sterile substrate. The hypodermic needle reduces contamination for two reasons: First, its surface is extremely smooth, which prevents airborne pathogens from becoming trapped between irregularities on the needle’s surface, which would subsequently be transferred into the media (e.g. agar) as contaminants; second, the needle’s surface is extremely sharp, which significantly reduces the diameter of the hole remaining after puncturing the membrane and consequently prevents microbes larger than this hole from contaminating the substrate.[2][3][4][5]
Who invented the first needle? Irish physician Francis Rynd is generally credited with the first successful injection in 1844, in the Meath Hospital in Dublin, Ireland. Alexander Wood’s main contribution was the all-glass syringe in 1851, which allowed the user to estimate dosage based on the levels of liquid observed through the glass
Who invented the first medical needle? Christopher Wren performed the earliest confirmed experiments with crude hypodermic needles, performing intravenous injection into dogs in 1656.
What types of needles are there?
Most syringes are made from stainless steel. There are non-medical needles and pins used for sewing and crafts, suturing needles intended for stitching wounds in a medical setting, acupuncture needles, tattoo needles, allergy needles and a variety of medical needles.
Here are some common types of needles used in medical applications:
Hypodermic needles are the most widely known, and what most people mean when they discuss a needle used for medical purposes. There are other types of needles used for medical purposes, and we will briefly list them below, but our article will focus on the hypodermic needle.
Dialysis Fistula Needles are a crucial link between patient and dialysis machine. These needles need to have optimized flow-geometry, bio compatibility, and consistent high product quality to ensure patient and user comfort and safety.
Huber needles are used to access ports implanted subdermally, under the skin of patients. Huber needles allow for repeated vein access for patients requiring infusion of medicines, blood, nutrient fluids, blood products and sometimes imaging solutions. Huber needles are designed to eliminate the possibility of having silicone or silver core pieces introduced into the ports which they are inserted into.
Spinal needles are considered the precursor of spinal anesthesia. They are comprised of flexible material, also used for lumbar puncture.
How many brands of needles are there and are they all the same?
There are many different brands of needles and syringes available for the consumer. Just like any other consumer product, a needle will vary in quality slightly based on the manufacturers specifications. What would this mean to the consumer? A needle that is slightly less quality than another might have a less sharp needle tip and therefore be less comfortable during use.
Are needles different in other countries?
Needles might have different packaging in different countries but rest assured the actual hypodermic needles are basically identical. As mentioned, the level of quality may be slightly better for some, but the design will be the same unlike many consumer products.
Are all needles the same quality?
No, as mentioned, there might be slight variations in quality during production with each unique manufacturer, so the final quality of the product will not be identical. A person using a needle and syringe might notice a syringe functions slightly better than another, and although a hypodermic needle tip has no action but to allow fluid and medicine to pass through freely, the sharpness of the tip could surely be different from one brand to another. A well known established manufacturer could hypothetically have a noticeably sharper needle tip the consumer might notice during use.
Are needles safe to use?
We can not speak about needles and syringes in other countries, but here in the US, all goods entering the US must pass basic safety and quality guidelines. It is safe to say all syringes and needles on the US market are safe to use.
Are all needles the same design?
Yes, all needles are the same identical design. What does that mean to a consumer or a medical professional? It means one needle tip will fit a different brand of syringe without a problem. All syringes will be compatible with all needle tips and so on. This is a good design fact which allows for needles to fit all syringes when supplies might be low or when a certain brand may be unavailable.
How would you describe a medical needle?
We would focus on the hypodermic needle. To describe a hypodermic needle, we would firstly say it is used in medical applications. To continue, a hypodermic needle would function by attaching to a syringe, and its function would be to inject or extract fluids. A syringe could be used to inject a medicine or a fluid. It could be used subcutaneously, intramuscularly, or intravenously. A syringe could also be used for (example) topical wound irrigation or for scientific and laboratory tasks.
Why would a person need a needle?
A needle and syringe allows for an injection or transfer of fluids without contamination. This is important for both direct patient care and scientific purposes. A needle is used by attaching to a syringe. A person might require a needle and syringe to take an injectible medication prescribed by their doctor.
Do needles come with syringes?
Some syringes come with needles attached. Some syringes come with no needle tip. Some needles come with no syringe. All syringes and all needles will be individually wrapped and sterile (for sterile needles intended for medical use). All needles and syringes have a suggested one use, and needles and syringes should be disposed of properly after use.
How do needles attach to syringes?
Needles attach to the distal end of a syringe. A syringe is made up of the syringe barrel, the plunger, the needle tip, and the needle cap.
When looking at a syringe, one might notice the tip appears different in design in some products. A syringe can have either a luer lock or a luer slip tip. One would notice a luer lock has grooves and the needle spins on and almost locks in place (it can spin on and off, but it is connected securely and will not come apart). A luer slip in comparison is a syringe which has a convex cone-like tip which allows a needle to press on for it’s connection. This luer slip connection is far less secure but for many applications works perfectly well.
Are all needles the same size?
While all needles may connect to the syringe tip identically, all needles are not the same exact size. What do we mean when discussing size? Size can refer to both the length of the needle as well as the thickness of the needle. The two obvious considerations while selecting the needle size is:
1. the thickness of the medicine. If a medicine is thick, it will require a larger size needle to allow the fluid to flow easily without delay.
2. type of injection: should your injection be subcutaneously or intramuscular? If the injection is subcutaneous, a short needle could be appropriate. If the injection needs to penetrate deeper, a longer needle might be required.
3. In addition to the two above, patient comfort can also be a consideration. A smaller shorter needle will possibly be more comfortable to the patient than a thick, long needle.
Will one brand of needle fit a different brand of syringe?
Any needle should fit perfectly with any brand of syringe. The physical design of the needle (the needle attachment) is identical for all manufacturers. During COVID, there have been shortages in both needles and syringes. Some size syringes and needles have been difficult to obtain, with back orders and out of stock status. It is very good to know that a needle will fit any available syringe in times of great medical need. A needle from one company will fit onto any brand of syringe, and there will be no noticed quality difference in the way a syringe and needle fit together.
Are there different attachments of needle to syringe?
There are a few different syringe tip designs. Some large syringes do not allow for a needle tip and have a large cone tip. These large syringes have a catheter tip. Smaller to medium sized syringes can have a luer lock or a luer slip tip. This connection will determine the quality of the connection, meaning how secure the connection is. In the case of understanding hypodermic needles and syringes more, we will review these two connections.
Additionally, an Insulin Syringe is unique by having a fixed needle tip. A fixed needle tip means the tip can not be removed and it has been glued in place while manufactured for a safe, permanent needle to syringe attachment. An Insulin Syringe will always have a fixed needle tip, the needle will never be removed, and as with all syringes, it is intended for one use prior to disposal. As a side note, how would the sharpness of a fixed needle tip differ as it related to the comfort of use with the patient? If a needle tip is fixed in place and Insulin injections are required, one must use the same syringe to pierce the rubber stopper to draw up the medicine prior to injecting as needed. This would make the needle tip already slightly dulled by accessing the medication, and there is no way around this. When compared to a conventional 1, 3, 5mL syringe or larger: A standard syringe with either a luer lock or luer slip attachment: one could use one needle to measure a medication by piercing a vials rubber stopper and then switch to a fresh, new needle to allow for the sharpest needle for injection.
What is a luer lock syringe to needle connection?
If you were to remove a syringe from its individual packaging and view the tip (without a needle attached), you would see a flat tip with a hole in the center, combined with a series of diagonal grooves creating a connection similar to what you would see on a plastic bottle and cap. The grooves in the tip of the syringe run diagonally, allowing for the corresponding lip on the hub of a needle to thread and tighten as twisted together. Just as a cap and bottle will not come apart once spun together, a luer lock syringe and needle will also have a secure connection by a very similar design.
What is a luer slip syringe to needle connection?
A luer slip is a press on connection of syringe to needle. If you were to look at the tip of a luer slip syringe tip, you would notice a cone-like convex appearance which allows for a needle tip to press securely in place.
When discussing a hypodermic needle and a common injection as an example, when would a luer lock be more advantageous than a luer slip?
As discussed, a luer lock is the superior connection of the two pieces, syringe to needle. One might prefer a luer lock connection if there is any concern about a luer slip coming detached. One such example would be while administering a thick testosterone therapy injection. With a thick medicine, one would be concerned with both the size of the needle being a large enough gauge to allow for the contents to pass through without impediment, and secondly, the connection of syringe to needle. If the needle size is large enough to allow the medicine to pass through, but small enough to allow for better patient comfort, the connection of the syringe and needle might be a consideration. What if the needle is slightly smaller than used in the past, and with a thick medicine, it creates more pressure inside the syringe while trying to administer the dose? If a plunger is pushed, the contents would ideally pass through the syringe, through the needle, to its destination. If the needle is slightly small and causes the thick medicine to pass through more slowly, this would cause an increase within the barrel of the syringe as the plunger is pressed upon. The result could be a detachment of a luer slip syringe to needle at the point where the two pieces join. The solution to this unwanted experience is to use a larger gauge needle.
What is a gauge in reference to a needle size?
The gauge of a needle describes its size. Needles come in a variety of sizes and lengths. The length of a needle will make no difference in the ability of the fluid to pass, but the gauge may. For our past example of a testosterone injection, a thick medicine would not easily pass through a small, fine needle tip. One would have to use a needle gauge or size thick and big enough to allow for the medicine to pass through without exerting too much pressure on the plunger. What do the gauge sizes mean? One might notice a needle size is in numbers. A needle could be an 18 gauge, a 23 gauge, a 30 gauge. The sizing should be carefully understood because it is the opposite of what one would think. If we were discussing shoes or clothing, a low number would mean the size is small. When we speak about hypodermic needles, a low number means a very thick, very large needle. So, for example, an 18 or 20 gauge is a very big, thick needle, while a 30 gauge is a very fine, tiny needle one would commonly find on an insulin syringe.
How many times are needles used?
Glass syringes are reusable items. In modern times, the plastic disposable syringe was invented, leading to decrease in cost and advancement in medical technology and treatments. Most syringes today are intended for one use only, and should be disposed of properly after use. A needle tip is meant to be disposable also. A needle tip fits securely onto a syringe, and is intended to administer injections in some cases. Once a needle has been used for an injection it should be safely disposed of.
Am I able to reuse a needle?
Repeat use of a syringe and needle is not recommended. Syringes and needles are meant to be one use only, and then disposed of properly. Disposable syringes and needles should be carefully placed into a sharps container. Sharps containers are made of thick plastic which will protect against unwanted needle sticks. Needles should always be disposed of in a sharps container.